New Hope SDAAug 31, 20232 min readThe “One Flesh” Model of MarriageTHURSDAY August 31 The “One Flesh” Model of Marriage Study the Creation narrative of Genesis 2:15–25. What happens in the story before...
New Hope SDAAug 29, 20232 min readThe Church as the Bride of Christ: Part 2TUESDAY August 29 The Church as the Bride of Christ: Part 2 How does Paul use elements of the ancient wedding in appealing to Christians...
New Hope SDAAug 28, 20232 min readMONDAY August 28MONDAY August 28 The Church as the Bride of Christ: Part 1 Compare Ephesians 5:25–27, 29 with the foundling story of Ezekiel 16:1–14....
New Hope SDAAug 27, 20232 min readSabbath School WeeklySUNDAY August 27 Counsel to Christian Wives Paul begins with a hinge passage (Ephesians 5:21) connecting Ephesians 5:1–20 and Ephesians...